Christine Cavallucci, LCSW, CPP

Christine Cavallucci, LCSW, CPP

2789 Schurz Ave
Bronx, NY 10465
(718) 904-1333 ext. 13

Christine is the Executive Director of ADAPP and has worked in the field of prevention for 36 years. She is a social worker by training and has worked as a school-based prevention counselor, clinical supervisor, and clinical director of ADAPP before beginning her current position in 2016.

Christine joined the coalition in 1998, representing ADAPP as the fiscal agent for TNCAP.

“TNCAP is important to me because as a member of ADAPP, I had the opportunity to see TNCAP grow from an idea in community prevention to the thriving successful coalition it is today. I have first-hand knowledge of all the good work TNCAP has done over the years to ensure a healthy community. I am so proud to be part of it!”

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